
Today, the healthcare industry is leveraging digital more than ever. It is not ‘just another’ medium in a marketeer’s arsenal but a strategically indispensable medium. As a result of this, measuring the performance of digital efforts with increased precision has also become of utmost importance. But measuring the ROI and determining the outcomes of these efforts can still be a perplexing puzzle, especially in markets lacking e-prescription data.

Digital remains at the fulcrum of this transformation and empowers marketeers to forge meaningful and personalised connections with physicians when in the right mindset.

The industry needs a structured framework to derive a quantifiable metric which could inturn help marketeers gauge the effectiveness of the campaign, build confidence and design campaigns better while understanding the variables that are critical to the overall success of the campaign.

New paths. New possibilities. Better results

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Formulated by a team of data scientists and industry experts, I2P is a first-of-its-kind tool that will empower pharmaceutical organisations and lifescience brands to arrive at a quantifiable performance score for their digital campaigns and initiatives. In other words, it will help a marketeer gauge how HCPs are ‘feeling’ about the message being displayed to them by and how close the HCP is to the prescribing moment by considering two aspects of their behavior



A marker of retention

Message Frequency

Message View Time



A marker of interest

Message Affinity (clicks)

Type of platform used

Optimize Digital Outcomes


Choose the
right channel


the right digital


Do the right
optimization at
the right time


Focus on
what matters

Download the white paper

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